One of my absolute favorites is the Phyto line of haircare. I got hooked on these products when my hair stylist recommended Phyto 7 for my torched locks a few summers ago. All that fun in the sun had really wrecked my hair. I used the leave-in conditioning formula and noticed a difference after the first use. I also upped it to Phyto 9 during the winter months when my hair was ultra-dry and prone to static flyaways. This doesn't weigh your hair down and rather than coat your hair, solving the problem only temporarily, this is like food for your hair. We may not want fat many other places, but having fat, voluminous hair that's shiny and healthy is at the top of any girl's beauty wish list.
On top of that, a friend tried the vitamin supplements that claim to help your hair grow thicker, stronger and longer and she had great results.
One final shout out--I recently tried Phyto's moisturizing shampoo and sesame conditioner. It's fabulous. A plus side to the metal containers--they're great for travel. You don't have to worry about air pressure causing your conditioner to explode all over your favorite black dress. Downside--if it's still relatively full and you are clumsy in the shower like I am, it smarts a bit more when the bottle lands on your toes.
You can buy Phyto products online at Sephora or Beauty.com. I also got a great deal on a shampoo/conditioner/phyto 7/travel case at PR at Partners in Chevy Chase, MD. -g.